One thing you can say about us as a species is that we are creative! And now that much of our creativity is done using digital tools, there are estimates showing that human beings are collectively creating 328 million terabytes of new content every day. That is kind of mind-boggling!
For photographers, videographers, and all the other content creators, we need to have reliable ways to store our creative work. I’m really psyched to share the news about the new SanDisk Desk Drive (affiliate link) a small, sleek workhorse that packs 8TB of memory into this desktop form-factor. This smart little package looks great on my desk and is the perfect solution for backing up my work, giving me the peace of mind that it’s safe.
From SanDisk:
“Introducing the SanDisk Desk Drive — a complete desktop backup solution now up to 4x faster than a desktop HDD. It’s the perfect home base to quickly back up your favorite and important content. An immense capacity of up to 8 TB will easily hold your photos, videos, music, and important documents, and read speeds up to 1000 MB/s will help you access everything fast. With a compact design that fits naturally into any workspace, this drive helps protect your content — all in one place.”
I hadn’t realized that these speeds are, actually, a pretty big deal for a drive of this size. I posted about this drive on my Instagram account last week, and was flooded with a bunch of interest and astonishment from some pretty tech savvy people. Congrats to SanDisk on pushing the innovation forward, and making such a handsome looking product. Proud to be part of the SanDisk Pro Team.
If you’re interested in getting one of these devices, consider using my affiliate link. This is #sponsored content as SanDisk has been one of my professional sponsors for years (full disclosure). Of course, I’d never work with brands I don’t believe in, so take that for what it’s worth.
Check out this link for more information and congrats to the SanDisk team on yet another ground-breaking innovation!