COOL STUFF: Carli Davidson’s SHAKE

by Corey Rich


My friend and fellow Nikon shooter Carli Davidson’s new book SHAKE hits the bookstores today. In describing what this unique work is all about, I couldn’t say it better than the publisher:

“Original, amusing, and brilliantly documented, Shake is a heartwarming collection of dogs caught in the most candid of moments: mid-shake. This graphic volume will stop you dead in your tracks as you are presented with images of man’s best friend caught in contortion: hair wild, eyes darting, ears and jowls flopping every which way.”

Carli is one of the premier wildlife photographers in the U.S., and she rose to the top of her profession a few years ago after her portraits of dogs captured mid-shake went viral, generating millions of hits on her website.

She also released a video, which was recognized as a Vimeo Staff Pick. Watch it and try not to crack a smile:

I am huge dog lover, but that only explains half of what I love about Carli’s work. She took one of the most ordinary occurrences, a dog shaking its head, and captured it in a new, original, creative way that strikes a truly resonant chord among us all. Bravo, Carli!

You can learn more and order SHAKE on Carli’s website and follow her on Facebook.

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