As you likely know by now, climbing is very important to me, both in my career and my free time. I will always be the first guy in the room to stand up and offer my time, resources or images to help protect access to our climbing areas.
I shot the image above of my dear friend Sabina Allemann at one of my favorite climbing areas in Tahoe, Eagle Lake Buttress. Luckily, these signs don’t actually exist here, but were added to make a point, to show what could happen if we don’t make our voice heard. If you’re a climber, but not yet a member of the Access Fund, please join today.
1 comment
Thanks for the great ad. I fear that if we don’t have people to showcase the importance of our wild places, they will be closed, constructed upon or just exploited and granite will soon be just for countertops in schmancy kitchens. Keep it up!
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