NEWS: PDNedu – Photographer Q&A

by Corey Rich


As a way of educating the next wave of up and coming photographers, PDNedu reached out to pick the brain of some of today's pros. Ten of us were all asked the same question: "What is the most important action you've taken in support of your photography business?". See the spread above for my response, as well as thoughts from Leesha Quigg, Matt & Agnes Hage, Mark Humphrey, Steve Simon, Manjari Sharma, Doug Menuez, Ami Vitale, and fellow Aurora Photos contributors Stefan Chow and Michael Clark. Everyone here provides some very valuable insight! 

"The most important business decision I've ever made was to not become too focused on the business of making money! I know this sounds counterintuitive, but from the beginning, I adopted a simple philosophy. Remain focused on three core values: 1) Have fun every day, 2) work with great people and 3) be creative! I figured that if I did all of that, the money would follow. As it turns out, I was right!"


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