LATEST WORK: Bluewater Ropes – Print Ads

by Corey Rich


Bluewater Ropes has launched a new series of ads celebrating some key members of “Team Bluewater”. Among fellow rock climbers Cedar Wright and Conrad Anker are ads featuring my images of Beth Rodden and Tommy Caldwell.

The image of Beth shows her new-routing on our very memorable trip down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon.

The image of Tommy was taken as he worked his Magic Mushroom project on El Capitan in Yosmeite National Park. Shortly after this shoot he went on to claim the first free ascent of the route, swapping leads with Justen Sjong. A few days later, looking to up the ante, he free-climbed the route, leading every pitch, in under 24 hours.

Looks to me like Bluewater has assembled quite a team. Look for these ads in the current issues of a variety of climbing magazines including Climbing and Urban Climber.


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