News: “Story Behind the Image” Book is Coming …

by Corey Rich

What began as a way to answer reader questions about how photographs were made, slowly turned into longer stories about my life and career behind the lens, and is now in the process of becoming a book.

Story Behind the Image has been one of the more surprising and enjoyable projects that I’ve invested my time into over the past few years. And I can hardly believe that over 50 portfolio images and 80,000 words later, we’re reaching the final pre-publishing stages of what has become not only a memoir about my life and career as a photographer, filmmaker, and director, but also profiles of the people with whom I’ve spent some of the best days of my life.

I won’t say too much more about this yet, but you can expect to see different/fresh/new content in the book than what’s here on my website archive—outtakes as well as behind-the-scenes photos. We’re looking at early 2019 for publishing, and I’m looking forward to loading up the camper and doing a book tour with my family.

We’re not at the stage of taking pre-orders just yet, but stay tuned for more information when SBI hits shelves!

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1 comment

Tercio Esperandio July 12, 2018 - 12:46 pm

Great news! Can’t wait to pre order it!

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