COOL STUFF: MoVI Pro is Here!

by Corey Rich

We are really excited today because our good friends at FreeFly have released the most versatile, adaptable, and high-performance camera-movement system ever created: the MoVI Pro.

When the first MoVI came to market, it was a game-changing gimbal that empowered small production teams with the ability to create smooth, professional camera movements at a relatively inexpensive cost. It just accelerated this huge leap forward in visual storytelling, giving us creatives Hollywood-grade production capabilities at a fraction of the cost, and ten times the versatility and transportability. 

It’s incredible to see this technology continue to progress, and it really speaks to the relentless quest for perfection that Tabb Firchau and his entire team at FreeFly bring to all of their products, including the new MoVI Pro. 

As Tabb says in this great promo piece, “Elegance in design is a lack of unnecessary complexity.” We couldn’t agree more here at CRP! After watching this new promo, I know that we couldn’t be more psyched to get our hands on the MoVI Pro and get out there and make films. 

Check it out and find out more info here:

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