COOL STUFF: The Enormocast

by Corey Rich

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We like to talk about how new technology kills one form of media or another. Print is dead. Radio is dead. Television is dead. Film is dead. Etc.

But the truth is that these formats don’t die; they adapt, change, and then go on to have their own resurgences.

Podcasting—aka “talk radio”—has certainly seen that resurgence in recent years. There are now tons of podcasts out there. What I love about podcasts is that I can load a bunch of episodes onto my phone, and listen to them at my own convenience. I like to listen to podcasts while doing other things such as riding my mountain bike, walking my dog, sitting on a plane, or driving in a car. They pass the time, and keep me entertained, informed and educated.

 The one podcast that has lately kept me coming back for more is The Enormocast, one of the best podcasts about rock climbing that I’ve ever heard. Chris Kalous, a badass climber and show host, sits down with a bunch of different climbers—some of my best friends—to discuss everything from media, to climbing ethics, to personal stories, to just straight-up shit-talking. Kalous is a great interviewer, and I really enjoy his style. And, I must admit, I’m partial to the episodes with the people who I know well.

So if you like climbing, and podcasts, look no further than the Enormocast. I haven’t listened to every podcast but here are a few of my favorite back episodes to get you going:

“Episode 31: Hayden Kennedy + Andrew Bisharat + PBR = Frothy Climbing Spray.”

Episode 6 & 7: “Hayden Kennedy: Alpine Taliban or Patagonian Custodian? (Part 1 and Part 2)

“Jeff Jackson: Journeyman, Mystic”

“Episode 81: Peter Croft– Kid in a Candy Store.”

“Episode 22: Climb hard and walk tall with Andrew Bisharat.”

Episode 78- Sonnie Trotter- Nicer Than You Are.

Episode 74: Brady Robinson- The Accidental Advocate.

Episode 21: James Lucas- His finger in all the pies.

 Episode 18: Randy Leavitt- Slackers need not apply.

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1 comment

JedlyMT July 1, 2015 - 8:28 pm

I love the Enormocast!! And don’t forget about the episode with Henry Barber!! If only I could get an Enormocast sticker…hint hint CK. If you’re reading this CK, You better check your email again and send me a GD sticker!!

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